Performance Coaching in the workplace

Help your employees thrive by improving your performance reviews “coaching”!

Performance reviews can be nerve-wracking, but they are extremely important in improving workplace culture and helping employees progress in their personal and work-related goals. By looking at these reviews as development opportunities, and having sincere two-way conversations you will find that the process is more a coaching opportunity.

What should be discussed in a performance review?

No two evaluations will ever be the same because every person has a unique personality and role within the company. Be sure to touch on their:

  • Achievements
  • Their performance vis-à-vis their role / job description
  • Behavior
  • Satisfaction with the company and their role
  • Feedback about coworkers and managers (keep it constructive!)
  • Their goals and career aspirations
  • Ways in which you can help them achieve those goals.

How do you prepare and get the most out of your performance coaching?

  • Use a consistent evaluation format and allow both parties time in advance to get ready for the review.
  • Make sure that it is a conversation – not just a lecture. Allow your employees to give feedback and let them know you are there to listen.
  • Ask questions that will show the employee that you care about them and how they are feeling about their work environment.
  • Based on the reviews, create an action and development plans for each employee. This shifts the focus from the past to the future and gives the employee tangible goals.
  • Use the development and action plans to measure against at your next round of reviews.
  • Most importantly! Make sure to follow up periodically with employees on their action plans. When no follow up occurs, you greatly reduce the effectiveness of the review and risk your employees not taking reviews seriously in the future.

By following these tips, we are certain that you will help your employees thrive in the workplace, and when your employees are thriving, so will your organization! You will also find that what once was a nerve-wracking experience has now become a positive, coaching and mentoring experience for both parties.

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