What does Xmas and a COVID pandemic have in common?

Holidays can be stressful, even without a pandemic! Between the added personal life tasks that come with the season, the year-end deadlines at work, and trying not to eat all of the holiday baking, it’s no wonder people tend to get a little uptight this time of year. To make the most out of this “most wonderful time of the year” you need to focus on maintaining a healthy work-life balance because this can lead to increased happiness (at work and home), increased productivity, and generally improve your overall mental health.

Here are some tips to help you achieve a healthy work-life balance, even over the holidays! Even during a pandemic!

Prioritize, Plan and Schedule  First step – make a list of the important things that need to happen, clarify them with others if necessary, and determine what needs to be at the top of your list. This will require postponing less important tasks and delaying them until the new year when life has calmed down. Once you have your priorities clarified, create a schedule. Whether it is a meeting at work, a family brunch, or a personal appointment, commit to what’s on your schedule.

Add Personal Time to Your Calendar  Make sure you schedule some personal time off, even if it is only a couple of days. Everyone needs a little “me” time, especially during the busiest season of all. You may be tempted to take some extra holiday payout rather than the time off – do not give into this temptation! You will thank yourself later. Just relax without any nagging thoughts about what you need to do when you get back to work.

Get in the Holiday Spirit  Do not forget to take some time to get into the giving, holiday spirit. Arrange a virtual opportunity to watch any kids in your life open gifts, their joy is contagious! Or consider doing something to give back around the holidays. It does not have to be something that costs you money – reach out to your local food bank or charity and ask about their volunteer opportunities. It is simple, giving feels good.

Be Healthy  As always, it is important to maintain a good balance of sleep, diet, and exercise. Normally (non-COVID times) the holidays are a time of excess, at least in terms of socializing and eating (drinking and partying too for some…) and with that comes fatigue and poor health. So, if you are going to partake in that extra rum-ball or do a marathon of virtual Xmas parties be sure to offset it with a bit more sleep or walking / exercise to maintain a healthy overall balance!

It is important to realize that there is no such thing as a “perfect” work-life balance. There will always be times meant for work and times meant for play, the important thing is to set boundaries and commit to them. For example, if you are spending time with your family, put your phone away and be fully present, even if it is for a short amount of time.

Like we said – everyone will have a different work-life balance that works for them. So figure out what your balance is, plan ahead, and work hard to follow through with it (especially over the holidays). If these tips do not help, maybe it’s time to look for a new job – browse our current job postings!

We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and an amazing New Year!

Your West-Can HR team – We Help Westman Work!






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